Hvorfor Charles Darwins evolusjonslære er død

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Denne artikkelen omfatter en konklusjon på hvorfor Charles Darwins evolusjonslære er død.

Det er ikke funnet etter hva jeg vet noen klare bevis på at kroppen er bygd opp av fraktaler. Jeg programmerte fraktaler  i 1990 åra en gang. En enkel formel kan lage kompliserte strukturer som også kan endres ved å justere på parameterne. Det jeg sier er å ta f.eks. sentralnervesystemet, det operer med nanoteknologi sin presisjon. Skal du lage et produksjonsdiagram av det så blir det diagrammet mye større enn selve nervesystemet.


Et annet alternativ med teorien at det bare trengs 1-10 mb for å beskrive kroppen er at det er det «matrix» en maskin som simulerer et menneske trenger, men da beveger du deg inn i at du lever i en simulasjon og du selv er ikke ekte! Bare en tegning som skal lages og at den tegningen er på de 10 mb. Ikke større enn et stort jpg bilde.


Ta hjernen! Den har en beregnet lagringsplass på 10 exabyte med data. Dvs et produksjonsdiagram som beskriver alle atomene og cellene i hjernen med alle koblinger til sentralnervesystemet og synet med intern kabling utgjør et kolossalt diagram. Du kan tenke deg at hvis hjernen er på 10 exabyte, så trenger du minst et diagram på 10 gangeren av det for  å forklare det til universet så det blir et fungerende system.. Muligens i yottaklassen. Det du må ta i betraktning er at du skal ha en fungerende system som skal gjøre ting, se ting, reflektere og planlegge ting. Dette krever et velfungerende kretskort! Fraktaler er ikke et kretskort. Bare datastrømmen til hjernen er på rundt 512 megapixler i sekundet noe som leverer ca 20 gigabit med data til hjernen i sekundet!


Hvis det er et diagram på atom nivå så ville det være dette tallet som skulle håndteres av atomer i produksjonsdiagrammet.

A 70 kg body would have approximately 7*1027 atoms. That is, 7 followed by 27 zeros: 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. Dvs. i data størrelse ca 7 000 yottabyte.

Det er hvis det styres universet som et diagram på atom nivå, det kan godt tenkes at diagrammet er på kvark eller mindre nivå, noes om vil gjøre summen ovenfor betydelig større.

Det er bare antall atomer, du har ikke med registrerene for plassering i matrisen som utgjør kroppen. Dvs Du må ha et adresseringssystem på planck skala 1.616252×10−35 m for kordinatene X-Y-Z i space.

Så må du ha et adresseringssystem for hvilket atom i periodesystemet og temperatur på atomet, og hvilken sammenkobling det hadde til alle de andre atomene i matrisen. Du må også ha med om atomet er i fast, veske eller gas form.

Det går langt forbi yoyttabyte klassen.


Jeg mener universet holder rede på alle atomene i universet. At det er et system som vet alt om alle tilstander til alt du kan tenke deg.


Jeg har ingen tro på at du kan beskrive kroppen med hverken 10 mb eller 1,5 gigabyte med data som DNA fra mor og far som alt startet med. Det er ikke nok.

Det er et for komplisert system med alt for mange og store verdier i. Det er i så fall et annet program som er større enn selve DNA’et



Det er  3,72 *10^13 eller 37 200 000 000 000 – eller 37.2 trilloner celler i kroppen. I datamengde er det 37 terrabyte, hver celle er litt forskjellige fra naboen sin i kroppen siden den dekker et annet område enn naboen sin. Innholdet er det samme, men hvordan kan 1,5 gb bli 37 terrabyte med celler x 1,5 gb (hvis man ser det på et celle nivå) Terrabyte er 1000 ganger mer enn gb. Selv om DNA skulle ha 50 % datakompresjon, så er det en lang vei igjen til virkeligheten.


Stamcellene er ansvarlige for å produsere de rundt 17 millioner nye cellene mennesker produserer hvert sekund gjennom livet. Noen celler fornyer seg i løpet av dager andre i løpet av måneder: http://book.bionumbers.org/how-quickly-do-different-cells-in-the-body-replace-themselves/

Hele denne prosessen som celledelingen er  en større oppgave kroppen gjør. Dette kan skrives som et program. Dvs det er kode du ikke ser men som må være der.

Dette er kode langt forbi 1,5 gb med data! Her snakkes det om at celler deler seg i f.eks 2 biter og kopierer DNA tråden i samme prosessen. Det blir voldsomt mye data langt forbi yottabyte klassen i et langt liv.


Det er ikke nok kode, så fremt det ikke er bare config filen til et program som heter menneske. Så vi ser ikke det programmet, det er utenfor hva vi kan måle med instrumenter som vi har i dag.

Det jeg tror er at hvis du hadde binary hex reverse engineering compilator og kjørete menneskets dna tråd inn i den og ba den skape et menneske så ville den si system error, insufficent data.



Vi stanger i et informasjons-kunnskapsmessige realitetsdata krasj. Det hele begynner med 1,5 gb og det lager kretser som lagrer 10 Exabyte med data. Det går bare ikke opp! Dette er levende fungerende organisk system, ikke noe som er basert på fraktaler, selv om det mulig å optimalisere ting med algoritmer. Men da er spørsmålet er det universet som kjører algoritmen eller er det celle delingen som utfører den.


Det er enten slik at DNA er et falskt flagg en distraksjon inne i simulatoren, eller så er det bare en konfigurasjon fil for programmet menneske, og det programmets kode ser vi ikke.

Dvs at det er et system i universet! Noen vil kalle det en Gud siden den rår over hva vi gjør og tenker og sier.


Det som er problemet er at det er 3 viktige ting Gud har låst bort fra oss. Det er boken om hvordan universet fungerer, boken om hvordan menneskekroppen fungerer og koden som jeg snakker om i dette brevet bak universet og menneskekroppen som er skjult men som man kan si må være dere for å et fungerende system.


Det er bare logisk og rasjonelle tankegang bak konklusjonen min. Menneske er et program som kjører i universet siden det mangler “kode” eller den er skjult for oss.


Et slikt system gir ikke rom for Darwins sin utviklingsteori. Ikke når modellen er at menneske er et program. Det er da ikke evolusjon hvis det er menneske eller guds skapt utvikling som ligger til grunn. Det er en oppgradering av menneske men ikke evolusjon. Det er ikke slik at vi har utviklet oss fra aper osv, det støtter ikke modellen.


Dette innlegget gir grunn til tanker og kvaler om eksistensielle tanker.


Et sidenotat: Viste du at kroppen blir 21 gram lettere når den dør? Noen sier det er vekten av sjelen som forlater den.



Double-slit experiment – introducing a possible solution to it!

Double-slit experiment – introducing a possible solution to it!

The double slit experiment has been discussed since 1801, and been discussed by Einstein and Bohr. So the problem has been around for some time now without no good answers to it.



Most people see the universe as a persistent reality like a hard rock physics is what the rock is – hard but nothing more to it than what we can measure and perceive.  We do not tend to see the universe as a dynamical system like a brain with intelligence built into it.

In the previous article i wrote:  https://unlimitedcomputing.no/news/not-enough-information-in-dna-to-build-the-body-up-from-scratch/

We came to some conclusions there:

# That the universe is an intelligent computing machine –  maybe operated by God
# That it is DNA code executing machine
# That DNA, 1,5 Gigabyte is not enough to create a human.
# That we do not see 99 % of the code that creates the human body, it is hidden from us! Most is hidden from us! We only see atoms, cells and DNA, but the code operating and deciding the life span, replication of cells, placement of atoms is outside our control – it is not our source control.

Let’s see the universe as super intelligent machine state machine. It knows everything, been around for ever, will be for ever. Knows future and past states of it self.

Now if you know what is going to happen you can skip some calculations.

If you know that nobody is watching you can send instructions to matter as thought and matter example increases its nuclear spin because you add more energy to it. Note the fact that it has not been sent energy to it it has just increased the spin of atoms because atoms are then some sort of consciousness.

Now for the “Double Slits Experiment” where you fire electrons thru two slits! It knows ah I can cheat! Why fire the electron and move it thru space calculating both its speed, position and direction it is moving in space and make it hit the wall at a specific point. It it much easier to send it as wave or thought thru space and make it appear somewhere on the wall not important where. It can skip the hole electron as a particle moving thru space and send it as thought in sub system of the universe that we do not see.

Now the reason to do it this way is to save space, energy time and resources it takes to compute the process for the universe.

The measuring:

Now the universe sees that you are measuring the electron by putting up a measuring device, and then now the universe sees that the electron has a value and a purpose because it is measured and therefor it changes it behavior by sending  it thru space as a particle creating the two bands and not interference pattern. It has to compute the whole travel thru space. This idea sends the whole worlds understanding of the universe down the rabbit hole. The electron now is consciousness transformed to a particle and moved thru space. It is a system above our reality but operated below the electron scale. This idea creates logical diagram that is closed loop, by other words no loose strings in the philosophy.

If this is true what I suggest here , then building suns, planets and even galaxies can be done in days. We just have to reverse engineer the universe to find the language it obeys. God created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th day.

You also have the problem that by observing something you also change it,and therefor changing its behavior. Not to difficult to understand is and it is not a p problem i think. What is a problem is how and what makes it change behavior and that might lay on another level of logic in the universe than we can see.

Conclusion: The universe have a logical operator built into its laws of the elements.

Here is thought on speed of light: It takes the light 8 minutes to reach the earth from the Sun, But still you can think in less than a second that you stand now on the earth and that you next move the focus on in your imagination that you are standing on the top of the sun, Thoughts goes faster than the speed of light! Therefor it should be possible to travel faster than the speed of light. Just look into quantum tunneling and quantum entanglement.

Copyright 2015 – Unlimited Computing – Tor Fredrik Bjerke –

Not enough information in DNA to build the body up from scratch


Last updated 4/2-2025

This article is the biggest news about DNA since it first was discovered in 1953. Maybe this is the biggest discovery and the biggest news in the history of humankind. We can see and figure out that there is something else than DNA running the major show.


The discovery is that DNA is just a biological configuration file of previously executed code and code that is going to be executed. It is not the raw code that makes up the whole human body. It just doesn’t hold enough information to build the human body up element for element.  Not even close!

In DNA from parents, about 750 MB from each parent makes up the embryo of a total of 1,5 GB of data before it starts to split into more cells.

OK, let us take the brain storage centers which hold about 10 exabytes of data. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exabyte

Now to make each cell in the brain that can store the information you need a blueprint or instruction code to make it. You would need some sort of schematic diagram  – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schematic coded into the DNA to build the entire “system working structure” of the brain.

Now you would need a diagram much larger than 10 exabytes of data the brain stores. We are talking maybe a yottabyte of schematic or some sort of binary code just for the brain and all the components of the brain. We are not even talking about the entire body, just the brain!

DNA is just a configuration file for how tall you will be, how you will look like; eye color, skin color, fat, ancestor information, etc. It can’t hold enough information about example how to build lung tissue, heart, kidney, liver, reproduction organs, and digestive system.

When I say it can’t even if the binary code is compressed with zip-like technology with 90 % compression. An example would be that if you say the brain storage cells is 10 exabyte you would need 10 million more times information just to build the storage cells, and that does not include the structure of the walls of the cells in the brain and the signal wiring between them. This is a big, huge, enormous amount of data.

If to store information about all the atoms in the body, you would need 7 000 Yottabyte storage + times the diagram of the location of all off atoms and the connection they have to their neighbor atoms building up the organs, skin, skeleton, etc. The diagram and binary instruction code for the human body might be as big as an estimate of over 7 000 000 Yottabytes!


What this article does is kill Darwin and all the evolutionary concepts we have built on this planet. It kills the traditional understanding of physics and medicine, and something new has to be implemented to build on this platform we are living in. Still, we will have discovery of new things even if the evolution theory is dead.

The universe is a super advanced supercomputer with a biological 3D printer that reads a config file like DNA, understands that it is human DNA, and loads a lot of large binary file called “the human body” that it then builds the body appearances after the config file called DNA. You are most likely living inside a simulation.

Simulated Reality – Matrix

Darwin is dead. An administrator like God is put into the picture again because somebody must have built the working diagrams of the human body at over 7 million yottabytes for the biological human program that reads the DNA config file. The structure of the brain and nerve system is far too complex to be built by biological evolutionary processes and it does not have the code for it. There is at least 10 million times more code that we do not see just at the brain storage center.  We are missing out on the big picture of data going on. We are missing a lot of code! There is a system outside DNA that runs the consciousness, the nerve system, and the rest of the body after a code called DNA. It is like a master hub system in the body and soul to take place in.

Most likely consciousness might lay outside the body in the universe. Killing a human will not kill the person’s consciousness and soul because it is stored somewhere else. As the bible says you live inside God.  http://biblehub.com/1_corinthians/3-16.htm It is also not only possible but likely that God sees everything you think and every action you do.

God did not leave a book for us humans about how the universe work and how the human body works. Only the bible.

No way can 1,5 gigabytes of data be uncompressed and compiled into 7 million yottabytes of data. If you think about it Microsoft Windows 10 Installation cd comes at 2.99 Gigabytes.  This amount of data is nothing compared to the complexity of the human body. Why should the human body have a code lesser than half of a Windows 10 installation cd? The human body can do more things than Windows can.

We need another type of MRI https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_resonance_imaging  to read the body configuration of humans. I also see a new way of doing therapy for damaged organs and body parts.

The idea that you spread your genes by reproduction is dead, it is a config file you pass on for how you will look. Not your inside, soul or not the brain and body organs can be transferred to children from parents. This must be done in another system.

With all these calculations, reasoning, and rational explanation, you come to the conclusion that this world has come to an informational system knowledge crash. It is not possible to continue rational thinking in this void we live in. It is what the movie  The Matrix says: System failure!  The information we have crashed the reality and belief system we live in and by. It is not possible on the standard model to continue the exploration of how DNA – human Genome work without adding new not yet developed ad hoc systems to understand how the universe and human body work. Believers will have to believe in God – atheists will most likely have experienced a system failure – error. The conclusion we are living in a lie.

The numbers:

Need a lot more data than a yottabyte to create the body:

1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 bytes. = 1Yottabyte

Brain storage capacity

10 000 000 000 000 000 000 bytes = 10 Exabyte

Human DNA string contains only:

1 573 741 824 bytes = 1,5 GB

Human DNA 6 354 282 416 (6 billion) times less than the brain storage capacity. 

1 byte is one symbol out of 256 possible symbols on that symbol spot.

The author of this article and the person who made the discovery of the system outside DNA  is Tor Fredrik Bjerke.

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