Our aim is to have: One cure system to cure all diseases and bad conditions.

This is planned and made in a special laboratory.

It includes blood sample testing, Stem Cell research, and developing a medication that aims not only to stop the symptoms but to cure the patient so no medicine is needed in the future.

(Investigation under scanning electron microscope) DNA Sequencing and mapping of all diseases in the genome, MRI, CT, ultrasound, X-ray, and next-generation radiology technology.

When you are sick you should not go to the hospital(sykehus in Norwegian – means sickhouse directly translated) You want to have a Healthy House (sunt hus in Norwegian) and become healthy again. You do not want a diagnosis of the diseases you have, but a diagnosis about you that say you are cured and healthy again.

I also aim to find a secret system in the Halo/glory ring above the head of holly humans that can rebuild the whole body in a perfect state.

like this link here shows:


The New Era of Supercomputing

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