Hi my name is Tor Fredrik Bjerke!

Extraterrestrial beings, aliens, UFO’s, God, artificial intelligence system, or Matrix simulation related systems admins, or whoever runs the world or universe please contact me!
If you are from another planet or other dimension read this:
If you have higher intelligence and knowledge than the knowledge and intelligence that has shown itself on this planet please contact me.
I need help to solve my own and other people’s problems.
It would be good to know for sure about some things, to gain new knowledge and technology.
You can contact me on different communication plattforms:
Skype: nickname: TFDATAB
e-mail: fr*****@un****************.no
Phone: +47 903 69 396
I can be reached on Whatsapp and www.Facebook.com – https://www.facebook.com/torfredrik.bjerke too.
I have two radios I can be reached on:
CB radio: Channel 1 – 40 from 26,965 to 27,405 MHz –https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens_band_radio
PMR Radio 446.00625 – 446.09375 mhz – 8 channels FM – F3E, channel spacing 12.5KHz, 121 sub-channels 38 CTCSS / 83 DCS
Radio located on the farm where I live.
You can land your UFO in the paddocks, just mind the horses that walk there.
GPS Location of my house is 59°32’54.64″ N 10°46’25.34″ Ø/E
Gamle Hobøl vei 44
1550 Hølen